Beauty Heals
How I Learn Through Artistic Experimentation, pt. 2
For this post, I wanted to share about another “experimentation technique” I’ve been using- deliberately trying to take on the aesthetic approach of another artist. I call it “Masking” because it requires fewer words! :P Of course, you choose an artist whose work you admire, or there atleast needs to be an element of their work that excites you and piques your interest.
How I Learn Through Artistic Experimentation, pt. 1
Despite re-dedicating myself to studio time last October, I felt a growing need to explore and get back “in the lab” and stretch my limits. I’ve spent the last few months systematically digging in. Follow along with me as I share some of the specific processes I’ve used, as I try to grow through experimentation!
New Workshop and Demo Opportunities!
I have some upcoming ways for people to connect with me and learn, and I wanted to share about them here. All of these detail will be housed permanently on a new page on my website- “Upcoming Demos and Workshops”, which is on the “Learn” page.
Beauty Heals
I’ve had a couple of experiences recently revolving around Beauty (the kind with a capital “B”!), and why I think it matters, and I wanted to share about them here with folks, because they set me to thinking and exploring deeper into the subject.
My Review of the Cup Easel
This year, on my trip to Italy, I took the Cup Easel along with me as the only watercolor setup available to me. I really got to put it through the paces. Lets get into the nitty gritty with an old fashioned product review!
Strengthen Your Compositions and Simplify Your Shapes
The free demo I did yesterday is up on Youtube, and you can check it out. Learn about making notans and applying them to your painting process.
Upcoming Free Zoom Demo- Why and How I Make Notans
This coming Monday, I’ll be doing a free zoom demo at 11 am PST. It’s going to be all about notans, but I’m going to try something new. I’m going to start at the end, and go backwards through my process. Let me explain! :)
Tips I Use to Get Back Into Painting After a Break
I’m going to share about my Italy trip in an upcoming post, but today I wanted to talk about a common issue lots of painters face (myself amongst them)—getting back into it after an extended break.
News and Updates
I’m back in my ol’ stompin’ grounds for one month only!! If you missed my show last month at my Open Studio, good news— I have the pleasure to do a follow up show at the Benicia Plein Air Gallery for the month of June. Read below to find out about my free zoom demo, the reception, and more.