Black Lives Matter- Live Zoom Demo and Art Sale

River Throne, YOsemite, 15 x 22- 250$

River Throne, YOsemite, 15 x 22- 250$


For the rest of the month of June, any art I sell from this post, and any donations made from my Zoom demo, will be going towards the BLM fundraiser I am running. I’ve reduced my prices, in an attempt to sell more work and hit my goal of 1000$ in sales with an additional 1000$ in matching funds. Help me reach the goal, and get a piece of artwork for yourself as part of the process!

These paintings could be for yourself, or as a gift for someone else too— never too early for X-mas. LOL! ;) Sales will go through Paypal, unless you are local. Shipping is separate, and dependent on location. Please contact me through the Contact page if you are interested. All artwork is sold unframed.

If you’d simply like to make a donation that I can then match, I will happily accept these as well. I have a Donations page here on my website, dedicated to only this.

Spring Snow, 11 x 15, 150$

Spring Snow, 11 x 15, 150$

misty Yosemite falls, 22 x 15 - 250$

misty Yosemite falls, 22 x 15 - 250$

Additionally, of course, I’m doing my free zoom demo on Saturday 6/20, from 1:00 - 3:00 PM, Pacific Standard Time. My goal is to collect donations from this demo. If you’ve been watching my demos and have enjoyed them, or the videos that I have shared from them, and you feel moved to donate something, please follow this link to the Donations page and do so. :)

Here’s the info on the Zoom meeting-

Topic: BLM Demo

Time: Jun 20, 2020 01:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)


Join Zoom Meeting

 Meeting ID: 863 2011 1625

Password: 455738

open, 11 x 15- 150$

open, 11 x 15- 150$

from the mind, 11 x 15- 150$

from the mind, 11 x 15- 150$

napa valley wine, 22 x 15- 250$

napa valley wine, 22 x 15- 250$

So, who am I (and you— if you’re buying a painting or making a donation) helping to support? I will be sending the entirety of the funds raised here to the National Black Justice Coalition.

The National Black Justice Coalition is an organization based out of DC that supports Black Americans who are part of the LGBTQ community. So, if you care about Pride month as well Black Lives, this is a great two for one. There is a strong focus within the organization to put a face on the LGBTQ community, to help foster stronger, healthier, less stigmatized relationships within the Black American community itself, and, of course, from the outside looking in. Additionally, according to the the NBJC (and I’m always trying to educate myself nowadays, as I clearly don’t know as much as I should) the Black LGBTQ community is disproportionately young and female too. So, we are talking about a group of folks who could use a supporting hand.

The NBJC also lobbies for a variety of things, including…

-helping to collect appropriately representative data for the Black LGBTQ community when policy making occurs, such as with the Census this year

-better educational opportunities for young black LGBTQ youth

-representing the health and economic needs of the older black LGBTQ community in regards to policy making


If you’re looking to make a difference, this is one easy way to do so. All donations help, large or small, and I will be matching all donations as well. Your dollars will be going to help people of color who are doubly stigmatized because they’re also part of the LGBTQ community. I accept donations by Payal and by card. You can donate HERE.

napa valley mustard, 22 x 15- 200$

napa valley mustard, 22 x 15- 200$

mendocino morning, 15 x 11- 150$

mendocino morning, 15 x 11- 150$

Long morning shadows, 11  x 15- 150$

Long morning shadows, 11 x 15- 150$

wind and rain, bristlecone Pine forest, 15 x 22- 250$

wind and rain, bristlecone Pine forest, 15 x 22- 250$

catherdral rocks, yosemite NP, 15 x 22- 250$

catherdral rocks, yosemite NP, 15 x 22- 250$


Zoom Demo for 'Below the Surface'


Two Zoom Demonstrations coming up this week!