Get ready for my new 5-week class in October!

Folks have been asking me for years when I was going to offer an online class directly with students, and I’ve finally geared up to do it!

My upcoming 5-week course “From Photo to Final Painting” will bring together the key pillars I think a watercolor artist needs to develop a subject from their own preliminary reference photo to a completed painting. If you want to advance your skills, you need to create a compelling marriage between technique and composition, between physical skills and your mental approach. And that’s just what we’ll be doing!

Each week we’ll be working on a different conceptual element of watercolors—

  • composition

  • values and notans

  • the watercolor clock and wet-into-wet work

  • controlling color mixing

  • color application for strongest effect

But that’s not all. Because if you really want to improve, you need more miles on the brush. And that’s something this class will offer in a special way. I’ll be providing prompts and content to challenge students to make a daily notan or painting (even a quick little one!) and to share their results in our private Facebook group. This duo— higher-level conceptual and technical content combined with an ongoing daily practice— is how you’ll really learn the fastest.

In two weeks’ time, I’ll be doing a free 3-day introduction to the class. The combination of blog posts and a live demo will run Friday, September 30th through Sunday, October 2nd. In them, I’ll introduce and illustrate the principles in the class. So make sure to come back and follow along with me, step-by-step, as I go from discussing the nuts and bolts of composition, to editing and cropping photos, to making a notan, to finally doing a painting in real time and working on color.

In the meantime, if you’re excited about the opportunity to join me in my class, please sign up for my Wait List! Folks who sign up for the Wait List will get 24-hour Early Access to enroll. The workshop will have limited seating, so joining the wait list is the best way to save your spot.

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Finally, given the brief overview I discussed, are there additional things you would like to see in this (or a future) workshop? Concerns, specific subjects, issues you feel are stopping you from progressing, etc.? Let me know below in the comments, or email me directly. That kind of input is very valuable to me, and if I can, I’ll address your concerns in the class, as we work through it together!


What is Composition? And Why You Should Study It


Workshop Review with Bill Cone