Video- Figure Painting Demo
I wasn’t able to record my process at the Doyle Street gallery demo from last weekend, but I did get some pics from it. Additionally….. I finally went through the process of setting things up to record myself at home. Oh lala! It’s all very simple and lo-fi, but I hope that it’ll be the beginning of (oft requested) future recordings!! :)
at play in the doyle Street gallery.u
Here’s some of the pics from the Doyle Street gallery demo. It’s a cute little space. You should check it out! :)
i decided to paint the statue to have a “live model.” Man, that was tough!
the first of a series of figures on a half sheet.
Here you can see a quick sequence of photos, as I drop in water to soften the head and darken an arm.
I wasn’t able to set things up properly to record things at the demo itself, but in this video I go over much that I chatted about there. I talk about a number of things folks have asked me about- how I wet the back of my paper, how I mix my pigments, what brushes I use, etc. Of course, I also paint a figure! …and therefore talk about my approach, how I construct the body, etc. etc. If you have questions, please ask away. It’s fun to share, and it all goes by fast. 15 minutes. :D
A couple of folks have been asking about my paper and if I use a stay-wet sponge. My current preference is Saunders Waterford 140 lb Rough, although I use Arches 140 lb Rough too. I don’t use a stay-wet sponge. I just wet the back of the paper, like I do in the video, and then turn it over on to the Gatorboard. I’ve not heard of a stay-wet sponge before. Time to go and see what the internet divulges!