News and Updates

I’m back in my ol’ stompin’ grounds for one month only!! If you missed my show last month at my Open Studio, good news— I have the pleasure to do a follow up show at the Benicia Plein Air Gallery for the month of June. This show will feature work from my open studios, a few of my favorites from last year, and some new paintings I’ve been cooking up just for this show itself. Read below to find out about my free zoom demo, the reception, and more.

Live Zoom Demo-


In anticipation of the reception this Saturday afternoon (June 8th), I’m doing a free zoom demo this Friday that will feature one of the new paintings in the show!

For fun, I’ve set up a poll on my free Facebook group, From Photo to Final Painting, for folks to choose which of the three we should do. :) Join up if you haven’t already, and add your vote to the pile. I’ll send out the link on Friday morning by email to everyone, once things are finalized. If you’re not already a subscriber, scroll down and join my Army of Art Nerds to get the link!

The zoom demo will start at 10 am, PST, on Friday June 7th. It should be a good time for East Coasters, Canadians, and Europeans as well.


The reception will be on this Saturday, June 8th, 2-5 pm. This will be the ONLY DAY I’ll be at the gallery. The show will be up for the month of June (the gallery is open Fri, Sat, Sun), but I’ll be bringing in special additional art work the day of the reception. I’ll have some larger pieces, as well as a variety of unframed (cheaper) paintings for sale as well. Come join the festivities and hang out with me and eat my food! LOL! If you wanna shoot the shit with me, talk art, and maybe fall in love with a painting once you see it in person, you gotta come to the reception.

As per usual, I’ll have stepped (increasing) discounts for folks who buy multiple pieces.

Online Gallery Extension-

Given this unexpected opportunity to extend my availability to the public, I am keeping the online gallery open, and will be updating it with additional work (not currently visible) for the opening on Saturday. Check back in on Saturday to choose a piece, if you live far away.

Additionally, I’ll be reintroducing the much-ballyhooed “stepped discounts” for online purchases again, but only for the weekend— Saturday, 6/8- Monday 6/10. This is a great way to buy multiple pieces and get significant discounts. You can find the gallery here—

As always, if you like one of these pieces, but would like it larger (or its already sold) please contact me so we can discuss a commission.


Online Art Sale and Open Studio Extravaganza!