Upcoming Workshops in 2020

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I’ve built out a new page on the website, that features a list of all my upcoming workshops this year.


Most are local to the greater SF Bay Area, with one also in Mendocino. Almost all are 2 day weekend-only affairs, from 900- 400 each day. Many are plein air.

March 21 & 22- Wet-into-Wet Watercolors, Studio Class- 200$

April 25 & 26- Plein Air Watercolors in Benicia- 200$

May 30 & 31- Plein Air Watercolors in the Pleasanton Tri-Valley Area- 220$

July 11 & 12- Plein Air Watercolors in the Oakland/ Berkeley/ Richmond Area- 200$

October 16, 17, & 18- Watercolors at the Mendocino Art Center- 360$

I like to paint quickly, with most paintings taking 1.5 hours max.  All students should anticipate completing, or atleast digging in to, a few paintings each day.  Plein air students should be able-bodied and capable of hiking some short distances with their supplies in tow.  All students are expected to bring their own paints, brushes, and paper.  Detailed supply list and exact locations will be announced later.

Many of the workshops I’ll be facilitating myself. For those workshops, payment is through Paypal or debit/ credit cards, directly through my website. Some workshops are through the auspices of other organizations (Pleasant Art League, Mendocino Art Center, etc), and payment will be directly through them when the workshop details are finalized.

If you have any questions, please let me know! I look forward to meeting some of you in the future. :)


Exploring Automatic Drawing


Ferny Grove Demo at the CWA show