My Alvaro Castagnet Workshop Review, pt. 5- The Co-Conspirators!
This post is part of a series I did last year, but I've recently got back in touch with a number of people that I took this workshop with last Spring, and I wanted to share some of their info with others. Many of them have participated in the recent 3/5 watercolor challenge on Facebook, so there's lots of beautiful work floating around that's worth exploring.
Here are links to the older posts in the series--
My Alvaro Castagnet Workshop Review, pt. 1
My Alvaro Castagnet Workshop Review, pt. 2
My Alvaro Castagnet Workshop Review, pt. 3
My Alvaro Castagnet Workshop Review, pt. 4
There was a lot of pleasure in meeting so many other great artists at the workshop!! Alvaro attracts a great crowd. Painting can often be such a private affair that one forgets the pleasure of actually sharing that creative experience. We all learned from each other's critiques, which was helpful for everyone of course, but even beyond that it was invigorating to meet so many other artists, with different backgrounds and experiences, all of whom took the practice seriously enough to come to the workshop.
There were locals (from San Jose, San Francisco, Oakland, and San Rafael), but people also came from really very far away- Tokyo, Bermuda, North Carolina, etc. It was a privilege to paint with so many other experienced painters! It was very invigorating. We are all there because we loved to paint, and were willing to spend the time and money to try and improve ourselves. That's an interesting community to be part of!
So, without further ado, I just wanted to share some links to the sites of those whom I met (and knew well enough to get their website info). My apologies for anyone I missed! There were over 30 people in the two sessions, combined, and I just didn't really get a chance to meet everyone. If you read this post, went to the workshop, and want to have your info included, please contact me or make a comment.

Uma Kelkar-
Uma is really a very good artist in her own right, and was easily one of the more advanced students in the first workshop. Lives in San Jose. She really took to Alvaro's instruction, and was producing wonderful work by the end of the workshop. I really wish she had stayed for the full 6 days! :( Her website shows her ink work as well as her watercolors.
Keene Wilson-
Keene was a real pleasure to meet as well. Lives down in Southern California. He clearly has a lot of experience with multiple mediums. He also has a wonderful resource page on his website called For Artists, where he has links to many posts about workshops he's taken, books he's read, insights on different famous artists, etc. I've read over a number of them, and it really is a wonderful resource.
Orin Carpenter-
I met Orin during the second workshop, and we hit it off immediately. I wonderful guy, and from browsing his website, clearly quite skilled in a variety of media as well. He teaches art to highschoolers up in Marin. A local! Now if I can only get him to go out plein air painting with me.

Lynne Haines-
Lynne lives up in Washington, and came down with her husband. What a pleasure to paint visit with her! Or squeeze into a taxi with with too many other adults! LOL. I was unaware of the extent of her watercolor experience though, until I visited her website. So she's obviously quite humble as well. ;)
Efrain Ibarra-
Efrain not only paints, but he also builds these fantastic little plein air palettes. Very much like a Craig Young palette, but you can actually get one of these made for you and not wait years and years! :) Alvaro even posted about it on his Facebook page, I believe.
Bert Sult-
From the Raleigh area of North Carolina, I believe. Bert has taken a number of other workshops with Alvaro, and it shows. He's done some shows, and sold his work.
Charles Knights-
I couldn't find a blog or website for this artist from Bermuda, but Charles was such a gentleman. Quite an excellent painter too!! Here's a link to an article about him, which shows some of his paintings. Charles, why aren't you even on Facebook? I really dug your work, and now you deprive us? Phewy!
Anthony was soft spoken, but carried a blow torch!! :) Literally. I laughed and laughed when I saw him whip that thing out, but it was incredibly effective. We often didn't have a blow drier or outlet available for Alvaro, during the plein air demonstrations. Thank goodness for Anthony's preparedness! Of course, he also loves to paint, and runs the Taos Paintbox company, which produces beautiful handmade watercolor boxes, in the Craig Young style as well.
And that's it for now, folks. Check 'em all out if you get the change. A fine bunch of painters.