Evolution of an Image- Winter Tree in a Mountain Valley

I did this series of paintings from a photo and wanted to share the process.

This small one came first.  It's basically a repainting/ reduction of the original image.  The photo is coming out a bit warm, but it gives the gist.  This is a small 1/8 sheet, 7.5" x 5".

I then cropped the image and and re-painted it vertically, focusing mostly on the tree.  This one was also a 1/8 sheet, 5.5 x 15".

I then blew it up and tried it big, on a 1/2 sheet.  I had forgotten how difficult it is to paint big-- logistical issues show up that I hadn't anticipated.  You have to manage the wetness of a very large area, and that can make things complicated.  Kat began to point out that the image doesn't necessarily work the same when its larger-- the viewer expects more detail in some locations, for instance, etc.

Anyways, it's not perfect, but there are some things to like in it.


Mystic Owl series


Evolution of an Image- Mountain Valley Painting